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Laravel Money provides a quick and easy methods to manage your model money [150+ Currencies].
Install the latest version using Composer:
$ composer require pharaonic/laravel-money
then publish the migration & config files
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-money
Configuration & Options
<a name="config"></a>
// config/Pharaonic/money.php
return [
// Default Language
'language' => 'en',
// Default Currency
'currency' => 'USD',
// Select specific currencies
'only' => [],
// Except specific currencies
'except' => [],
// Default fields names
'fields' => ['price']
<a name="options"></a>
use Pharaonic\Laravel\Money\Facades\Money;
// Setting default currency
// Setting default language
// Supported language [ar, en, fr, de, es]
// Select specific currencies
// Except specific currencies
// Get current language
$language = Money::getLanguage();
// Get currency Code, Name, Symbol
$currency_code = Money::getCurrencyCode();
$currency_name = Money::getCurrencyName();
$currency_symbol = Money::getCurrencySymbol();
// Get currencies list (code => name)
$currencies = Money::getCurrenciesList();
<a name="include"></a>
How to include it in your model
use Pharaonic\Laravel\Helpers\Traits\HasCustomAttributes;
use Pharaonic\Laravel\Money\HasMoney;
class Person extends Model
use HasCustomAttributes, HasMoney;
// You can include your all monies names here.
protected $moneyAttributes = ['balance'];
<a name="set"></a>
Setting Money
// Setting money to exists person
$person = Person::find(1);
$person->money('balance', 'USD', 100);
// Setting money to new person with current currency ($currency_code)
$person = Person::create([
<a name="get"></a>
Getting & Displaying Money
$person = Person::find(1);
// Get money with specific currency
echo $person->money('balance', 'USD');
echo $person->balance; // 100.00
echo $person->balance->amount; // 100
echo $person->balance->withName(); // 100.00 USD
echo $person->balance->withSymbol(); // $ 100.00
echo $person->balance->toString() // one hundred dollars {PHP Extension intl}
<a name="actions"></a>
Money Actions
$person = Person::find(1);
$person->balance->withdraw(0.50); // withdraw 50 cents
$person->balance->deposit(10.50); // deposit 10 dollars and 50 cents
$person->balance->reset(); // resetting money to zero
<a name="relations_scopes"></a>
Relations & Scopes
// Getting monies with all currencies
$monies = $person->monies;
// Getting all People who has no monies
// with Currency only
$pplWithMoney = Person::withMoney('USD')->get();
// with Currency and name
$pplWithMoney = Person::withMoney('USD', 'balance')->get();
// with Currencies only
$pplWithMoney = Person::withAnyMoney(['USD'])->get();
// with Currencies and names
$pplWithMoney = Person::withAnyMoney(['USD'], ['balance'])->get();
<a name="aggregates"></a>
// Getting MIN Money
echo Person::minMoney('balance');
echo Person::minMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting MAX Money
echo Person::maxMoney('balance');
echo Person::maxMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting SUM All Monies
echo Person::sumMoney('balance');
echo Person::sumMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting SUM Negative Monies
echo Person::sumNegativeMoney('balance');
echo Person::sumNegativeMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting SUM Positive Monies
echo Person::sumPositiveMoney('balance');
echo Person::sumPositiveMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting Average Monies
echo Person::avgMoney('balance');
echo Person::avgMoney('balance', 'USD');
// Getting Count OF Monies Rows
echo Person::countMoney();
echo Person::countMoney('balance');
echo Person::countMoney(null, 'USD');
echo Person::countMoney('balance', 'USD');
<a name="events"></a>
class Person extends Model
* Setted Money with (Create/New/money method) Event
* @param string $name
* @param string $currency
* @param float $amount
* @return void
public function setted(string $name, string $currency, float $amount)
* Withdrew Money Event
* @param string $name
* @param string $currency
* @param float $amount
* @return void
public function withdrew(string $name, string $currency, float $amount)
* Deposited Money Event
* @param string $name
* @param string $currency
* @param float $amount
* @return void
public function deposited(string $name, string $currency, float $amount)
* Reset Money Event
* @param string $name
* @param string $currency
* @return void
public function reset(string $name, string $currency)
MIT license