PHP Classes

PHPSecureURL: hide link parameters

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phpsecureurl 1.0.0GNU General Publi...HTTP, Cryptography, Security


With PHP, to pass parameters between two pages you can use something like this:

A visitor can modify thoses parameters to see what happens or to test parameters.

For instance, he may modify the user parameter to see the account of another user.

This classe hides parameters. You do not have to modify your code. You just have to add some lines and your link becomes something like this:

Picture of pascal CASENOVE
Name: pascal CASENOVE <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
Age: 63
All time rank: 2041 in Guadeloupe Guadeloupe
Week rank: 187 Up1 in Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Equal


Pascal CASENOVE Independent creator Publish usefull things can be a good opportunity to be known. I want to participate in scientifc or tecnical projects. My specialty :find solutions,take up challenges. If you give that code to someone please put this small resume with it. I create and display tools for companies in Europe, the United States and the Caribean Island. I also intervene as an expert for insurances companies or for audit or advices to solve problems or help in making decisions. I work by distance and\or on site. I work often on new technologies. I set up models for customers or for myself with students or within the framework of researches. I work in the following fields keeping in mind a global vision of the projects in order to replace one technology by an other more adapted to the specfic project and so have a result as perfect as possible For all that fields I intervene in the research, the creation of a model or a method, the display and the administration or just for some details of a specific project. - TCP/IP network architecture - Routing, mostly CISCO and LINUX - LAN, WAN, hertzian network security - Servers, mostly Microsoft and Linux - Servers and sites securizing process - Databases, architecture and administration MySQL, SQL, ORACLE … - Communication Bridge between databases - Realization of interfaces, statement or treatment on existing databases, masters or basics - Citrix and TSE ( many realizations) with or without light customers - Small programmes realizations (dos, unix, perl, VB, PHP, JAVA, Javascript ..) - Add of functionalities in existing applications, collaborating with the editor or without his participation - Realization of small applications such as the administration of financing files, the badging with transpondeur, the billing, the stocks administration, the orders preparation… - Realization of applications embarquées whether by microcontroller whether with Linux, even with GPRS. For all these realizations I utilize currently the possibilities proposed by the operating systems that allow to do a lot without encoding and also Perl, PHP, Python, JAVA, Windev and I have done many projects in VBA by MS Access I have also designed many tools to create web interfaces mostly in PHP and MySQL. I have various PHP CLASS that I will publish after some cleaning and, for some, with my clients agreement. I have done a model for an e-business tool using a business administration tool with bases : MySQL, Ms access, interfaces Windev, VBA, PHP and WAP with the entire plateforme including the gateway WAP. - Many other applications, tools, realizations… My knowledge as an electronician allow me also to create material. I work alone or with a team, on full projects or just for pieces. For some projects I can use the best specialists to work with me or I hire a team for the duration of the project. You can contact me to have some advices on a tool, to create, adapt, modify but don’t ask me for basics which is really boring for me. I developed methods and tools to work on-site or from my office. Whether on open projects, on industrial applications, for an advice, some research,a realization or just to find an answer to a determined problem or a technical advice don’t hesitate to contact me. ***************PHP********************** For PHP I have some working objects but I have to clean them up before publishing them. The next ones should be : - A parameters coding transmitted by the URL clear for the application. - A PHP variables’ display in an independant window during the code execution. This is a detail but I can’t do without it and I put it it all my realizations. I also have stuff more important but too heavy to be published like the creation of a website based only on HTML databases and maskes, a session administration with login, users rights levels, steering towars rights function sections, full tracking of navigations…, creation and administration of HTML scripts from MySQL records. I have many other things to share so don’t hesitate… CONTACT ME !!

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file alire.txt Doc. auteur
Accessible without login Plain text file demo Example demo en français
Accessible without login Plain text file demo_en2.php Example English demo
Accessible without login Plain text file phpsecureurl.pclass Appl. class
Accessible without login Plain text file phpsecureurl_en.pclass Appl. class + english comments
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. author

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