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File: db/noter_schema_data.sql

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File: db/noter_schema_data.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Noter
Create and manage notes shared between users
Author: By
Last change: Update of db/noter_schema_data.sql
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,167 bytes


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/* Create noter.sqlite3 database using the following commands: sudo sqlite3 noter.sqlite3 .read noter_schema_data.sql .exit */ -- Table: notes CREATE TABLE notes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, title TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), body TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), creator TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), create_ts DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (DATETIME('now', 'localtime')), updater TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (''), update_ts DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ); INSERT INTO [notes] ([id], [title], [body], [creator], [create_ts]) VALUES (1, 'test', 'This is a test note.', 'system', DATETIME('now', 'localtime')); INSERT INTO [notes] ([id], [title], [body], [creator], [create_ts]) VALUES (2, 'code snippet', '<pre>mcrypt_create_iv($iLength, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);</pre>', 'system', DATETIME('now', 'localtime')); INSERT INTO [notes] ([id], [title], [body], [creator], [create_ts]) VALUES (3, 'Unicode test', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????', 'system', DATETIME('now', 'localtime')); -- Index: idx_title CREATE INDEX idx_title ON notes ( title COLLATE NOCASE ASC ); -- Index: idx_body CREATE INDEX idx_body ON notes ( body COLLATE NOCASE );