* @Package: FAR-PHP CMS
* @Author: Fanache A. Remus (Birkoff)
* @$Date$
* @Contact: www.farsoft.far-php.ro - [email protected]
* @$Rev$
* @$Id$
* SQLite 2 class
// This file can not be accessed independently from index
if(!defined('FAR_ANTIHACK')) { header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); header('Status: 403 Forbidden'); die("<br>You don't have access here."); }
class SQLITE2_DB {
// initializing the internal variables
// monitoring data
var $sql_tracer = array();
// if true provides information on every function called, otherwise only provides information of queries
var $sql_debug = false;
// connecting
var $conn = NULL;
// variable that holds the results returned
var $result = false;
// db info
var $db_server = 'sqlite3.db';
var $db_port = '0666';
var $db_username = '';
var $db_password = '';
var $db_name = '';
var $db_encoding = 'utf8';
var $db_time_zone = 'Europe/Bucharest';
var $db_persist = false;
* class instance
* @param str $db_server - sql server name
* @param int $db_port - sql server connection port
* @param str $db_username - sql username
* @param str $db_password - sql password
* @param str $db_name - database name
* @param str $db_encoding - encoding data type
* @param bool $db_persist - connection type
function SQLITE2_DB ($db_server='', $db_port=0666, $db_username='', $db_password='', $db_name='', $db_encoding='', $db_persist=false) {
if ( ! empty($db_server) )
$this->db_server = $db_server;
if ( ! empty($db_port) && is_numeric($db_port) )
$this->db_port = $db_port;
if ( ! empty($db_username) )
$this->db_username = $db_username;
if ( ! empty($db_password) )
$this->db_password = $db_password;
if ( ! empty($db_name) )
$this->db_name = $db_name;
if ( ! empty($db_encoding) )
$this->db_encoding = $db_encoding;
if ( $db_persist === true )
$this->db_persist = $db_persist;
* connecting to sql server
* database selection
* encoding type setting
* @return resource $conn - false on failure
function open() {
if ( $this->connect() === false )
return false;
return $this->conn;
* connecting to the database
* @param str $db_server
* @param int $db_port
* @param str $db_username
* @param str $db_password
* @return bool
function connect($db_server='', $db_port=0666, $db_username='', $db_password='') {
if ( ! empty($db_server) )
$this->db_server = $db_server;
if ( ! empty($db_port) && is_numeric($db_port) )
$this->db_port = $db_port;
if ( ! empty($db_username) )
$this->db_username = $db_username;
if ( ! empty($db_password) )
$this->db_password = $db_password;
// if it is already connected
if( is_resource($this->conn) )
return true;
// Choose the appropriate connect function
if ( $this->db_persist )
$this->conn = sqlite_popen($this->db_server, $this->db_port, $sqliteerror);
$this->conn = sqlite_open($this->db_server, $this->db_port, $sqliteerror);
// Connect to the database server
if(!is_resource($this->conn)) {
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('connect', 'connect', '', $this->conn, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $sqliteerror);
return false;
} else {
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('connect', 'connect', '', $this->conn, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $sqliteerror);
return true;
* database selection
* @param str $db_name
* @return bool
function select_db($db_name='') {
return true; // does not apply to sqlite2
* charset setting used
* @param str $db_encoding
* @return bool
function set_charset($db_encoding='') {
return true; // does not apply to sqlite2
* set time zone
* @param str $time_zone
* @return bool
function set_time_zone($time_zone='') {
return true; // does not apply to sqlite2
* monitoring data and errors
* @param str $function_name - function name that is monitoring
* @param str $param_name - function parameter name
* @param obj $param_val - function parameter value
* @param obj $return_val - value returned
* @param int $line - line number where you can find values
* @param str $file - file name
* @param str $error - reported error
function sql_monitor($function_name, $param_name, $param_val, $return_val, $line, $file, $error_nr=0, $error_val=0) {
$this->sql_tracer[] = array(
'function_name' => $function_name,
'param_name' => $param_name,
'param_val' => $param_val,
'return_val' => $return_val,
'line' => $line,
'file' => $file,
'error_nr' => $error_nr,
'error_val' => $error_val,
* identification number of the current error - mysql_errno
* @return int $nr
function sql_errno() {
if ( ! is_resource($this->conn) )
return 0;
return sqlite_last_error($this->conn);
* sqlite_error_string
* @return str $error
function sql_error() {
if ( ! is_resource($this->conn) )
return 0;
return sqlite_error_string($this->sql_errno());
* sqlite_query
* @param str $query
* @return resource $result
function query($query) {
if ( empty($query) )
return false;
$this->result = sqlite_query($this->conn, $query, SQLITE_ASSOC, $sqliteerror);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('query', 'query', $query, $this->result, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $sqliteerror);
return $this->result;
* sqlite_fetch_array
* @param resource $rezultat
* @param bool $type - true for MYSQL_ASSOC, false for MYSQL_NUM, null for MYSQL_BOTH
* @return array $result
function fetch_array($rezultat=NULL, $type=true) {
if ( is_resource($rezultat) )
$result = $rezultat;
$result = $this->result;
if ( $type == true)
$rez = sqlite_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
elseif ( $type == false)
$rez = sqlite_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
$rez = sqlite_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('fetch_array', 'result', $result, $rez, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $rez;
* sqlite_close
* @return bool $rez
function close() {
$rez = sqlite_close($this->conn);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('close', '', '', $rez, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $rez;
* start tranzaction
* @return resource
function start_tranzaction() {
return $this->query('BEGIN TRANSACTION');
* rollback tranzaction
* @return resource
function rollback() {
return $this->query('ROLLBACK');
* commit tranzaction
* @return resource
function commit() {
return $this->query('COMMIT');
* sqlite_changes
* @return int $rows
function affected_rows() {
$rows = sqlite_changes($this->conn);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('affected_rows', '', '', $rows, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $rows;
* sqlite_last_insert_rowid
* @return int $id
function insert_id() {
$id = sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->conn);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('insert_id', '', '', $id, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $id;
* sqlite_escape_string
* @param mixed $str
* @return mixed $str
function real_escape($str) {
if ( is_array($str) )
$rez = array_map('sqlite_escape_string', $str);
$rez = sqlite_escape_string($str);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('real_escape', 'str', $str, $rez, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $rez;
* sqlite_num_rows
* @param resource $rezultat
* @return int $result
function num_rows($rezultat=NULL) {
if ( ! is_resource($rezultat) )
$rez = $this->result;
$rez = $rezultat;
$result = sqlite_num_rows($rez);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('num_rows', 'rez', $rez, $result, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $result;
* sqlite_fetch_single
* @param resource $rezultat
* @param int $row
* @return str $result
function result($rezultat=NULL, $row=0) {
if ( ! is_resource($rezultat) )
$rez = $this->result;
$rez = $rezultat;
$result = sqlite_fetch_single($rez);
if ( $this->sql_debug )
$this->sql_monitor('num_rows', 'rez', $rez, $result, __LINE__, __FILE__, $this->sql_errno(), $this->sql_error());
return $result;
* does not apply to sqlite2
* @return bool
function sql_info() {
return true;
* does not apply to sqlite2
* @return bool
function free_result() {
return true;
* Preparation for working with MySQL data
* @param array $values - values that need to be changed
* @param bool $tilde - what type of quotes used
* @return string $values
function prepare_data($values, $tilde = false) {
if (! is_array($values) || count($values) == 0)
return false;
if ($tilde)
$values = count($values) ? "'" . implode("', '", $values) . "'" : '';
$values = count($values) ? "'" . implode("', '", $values) . "'" : '';
return $values;
* Filter an array by keys
* @param array $array associative array to filter
* @param array $filter list of keys to return (in this order)
* @return array a new array containing only those keys and values from $array which exists in $filter too (keep order from $filter)
function array_sqlfilter($array, $filter) {
if (! is_array($array) || count($array) == 0)
return false;
if (! is_array($filter) || count($filter) == 0)
return false;
$result = array();
foreach ($filter as $key) {
if (isset($array[$key]))
$result[$key] = $array[$key];
return $result;