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File: tests/get_contents.php

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  Classes of Ali YILMAZ   Mind Framework   tests/get_contents.php   Download  
File: tests/get_contents.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Mind Framework
Framework that implements several design patterns
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,375 bytes


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require_once '../src/Mind.php';

$Mind = new Mind();

/*$url = '';
$left = '';
$right = '';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

echo '<br><br>';

$url = '';
$left = '';
$right = '';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);


$url = '';
$left = '<title>';
$right = '</title>';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

echo '<br><br>';

$url = '';
$left = '<link rel="alternate" hreflang="';
$right = '"';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

echo '<br><br>';

$url = 'Örnek bir içeriktir. <title>Merhaba Dünya!</title>';
$left = '<title>';
$right = '</title>';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

echo '<br><br>';

$url = 'src=\'-str\'-after src=\'-str\'-after src=\'-str\'-after src=\'-str\'-after';
$left = 'src=\'';
$right = '\'-after';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

echo '<br><br>';

$url = '{"filmler": [ {"imdb": "tt0116231", "url": "&lt;iframe src=&#039;; width=&#039;640&#039; height=&#039;360&#039; frameborder=&#039;0&#039; marginwidth=&#039;0&#039; marginheight=&#039;0&#039; scrolling=&#039;NO&#039; allowfullscreen=&#039;allowfullscreen&#039;&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;"} ]}';
$left = 'src=&#039;';
$right = '&#039;';
$data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);

// $url = '';
// $left = '';
// $right = '';
// $options = [
// 'authorization'=>[
// 'username'=>'example_username',
// 'password'=>'example_password'
// ]
// ];
// // Start connection.
// $Mind->print_pre($Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url, $options));

// $url = '';
// $left = '';
// $right = '';
// $options = [
// 'attachment'=>'./data1.json',
// 'authorization'=>[
// 'username'=>'example_username',
// 'password'=>'example_password'
// ]
// ];
// // Start connection.
// $Mind->print_pre($Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url, $options));

// $url = '';
// $left = '';
// $right = '';
// $options = array(
// // 'referer'=>$url,
// 'post'=>array(
// 'username'=>'aliyilmaz',
// 'password'=>'123456'
// )
// );

// // Start connection.
// $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url, $options);

// // Session access.
// $url = '';
// $left = '<title>';
// $right = '</title>';
// $data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url);
// $Mind->print_pre($data);

$xml_data ='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.
    '<smspack ka="kullanici_adi" pwd="kullanici_parolasi" org="Originator_adi" >'.

$options = array(

$output = $Mind->get_contents('', '', '', $options);

// $options = array(
// 'header'=>array(
// 'accept'=>"application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
// 'accept-language'=>"tr-TR,tr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7",
// 'content-type'=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
// 'sec-ch-ua'=>"\"Chromium\";v=\"94\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"94\", \";Not A Brand\";v=\"99\"",
// 'sec-ch-ua-mobile'=>"?0",
// 'sec-ch-ua-platform'=>"\"Linux\"",
// 'sec-fetch-dest'=>"empty",
// 'sec-fetch-mode'=>"cors",
// 'sec-fetch-site'=>"same-origin",
// 'x-requested-with'=>"XMLHttpRequest"
// )
// );

// $url = '';
// $left = '<title>';
// $right = '</title>';
// $data = $Mind->get_contents($left, $right, $url, $options);
// $Mind->print_pre($data);